Safeguarding Training

Safeguarding is the name given to the ways that the church is seeking to create an environment which is safe and free from abuse for everyone especially the most vulnerable.

Training for those in roles of responsibility is vital. The online training offered here aims to help those of us involved in ministry with children, young people and vulnerable adults particularly. So if you have some involvement with children’s ministry or pastoral work in any capacity, or if you have a DBS certificate, you should complete this training.

The courses use course material from the Church of England's national safeguarding team. Please click this link to find further details and join online: These courses can be completed at home on your computer in your own time. See your role description for details of which courses to complete, or contact us if in doubt. 

This is accredited training and covers some things particular to church contexts so even if you have other safeguarding experience/training from other contexts please complete these courses. Training should be renewed every three years at the highest level appropriate to your role (i.e. Basic if that is the only course you are due for or Foundations if that is required for your role). 

If you have any questions or concerns, then please do get in touch with your parish clergy or safeguarding officer. 

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