Coming Up 
GIFT WEEKEND 11th and 12th OCTOBER 2024 - Offer your gift 10am-12noon in church. Coffee and Cake served as well! (Towards porch appeal)
JAZZ CONCERT - For tickets click here.
Services every week - see below
I am looking for:
Give to Go Green Fundraising Campaign - Improving the Church Porch, Give here
Pop Up Pantry (food sharing) runs in Church on Saturdays 10am-12 and Mondays 3:30-4:30pm
Details on regular giving can be found here. To donate to the ongoing work of the Restoration Appeal click here
St Mary’s Church - A growing church, transforming our community
St Mary's has been at the very heart of the Ingleton community for many centuries. We seek to be a place for anyone to come and find the blessings of the Christian faith in their lives. Everyone is welcome to join us for worship, and to find out more about what goes on among the congregation. We seek to be an encourgaing, prayeful, supportive and family friendly community. We celebrate God's love for us through a variety of worship and those joining us for worship comment on the friendly welcome. Services:
9am - Traditional Holy Communion (fortnightly - contact us for details or see the calendar page).
10:30am - Morning Service every week.
Guidance for Communion
- Communion can be received by congregation as bread and wine. A shared cup has been reintroduced post-Covid.
- If you would prefer not to share the communion cup, bread will be dipped carefully into a separate cup and placed in worshipper's hand. Receiving bread only is also available.
- If you are unable to get to the altar rail, the priest will come to you in your pew. Please just mention this to the churchwarden on duty in the aisle.
- Gluten free wafers are available. Please mention to churchwarden/welcomer.